Monday, 9 September 2019

First Draft -The Great Reading Adventure

I have writing about my class assembly .I am on to my editing stage so you might . see some mistakes . Im still working on it and will post my  published   writing next week 

Teina The Great Reading Assembly

Last  Friday we had our assembly with approximately 200 people watching. when I saw the classes walking in I knew it was going to  be a most embarrassing time of my LIFE! Then .when duffy and scruffy was talking to the ordnance cat in the hat was getting ready and my group was to. When the cat in the hat group was up  cat in the hat was walking round in loops .suddenly he stopped and started to talk about thing 1 and. thing 2. they left and went back to their seat next my groups music came on we went out to the front 
And started our act my group was mouri myths. and  legends everyone in my groups name was Riley Jai Lerrel Attama Kiran Tyson Rican. and me I was Maui  and The story was about maui slowing the sun down and at the end we left and went to our seats and watched the rest and the next group 
Was   superheros  next when they got up they were just telling jokes to the person beside them and then the next group was nonfiction group then  they were telling facts about space lions and the moon. And the very last one was the harry potter group they had cool as wounds Hemis wound was a stick which  made him look a tune better and cooler and this time they were telling facts about harry potter then they got back to their seats then Duffy and Scruffy got back up  and Duffy asked sir to hand out the cutifatics and then the assembly ended everyone went on the bus and went back home. But I got picked up by my mum and I started to talk about how nerve-racking it was and she said she saw how nervous I was then when we got back to the bakery that was when the fun ended.

I think this is the start of level 3 because I added lots of elaboration and detail . 

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