Thursday, 12 December 2019

Te Manga Fun Time

Take a look at some of the fun things we did in Te Manga in our last week of school.

Puppy Slide Animation

beach slide animation

 i did this because i  use to  live in ninety miles and i saw some photos of  my old beach so i made a slide  animation 

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Paddle Boarding at Lake Ngatu

Dear Sup Bros,

Thank you for taking us paddle boarding and I loved the way yous let us boom off the board and making every thing possible .

My favourite  part was the booming and . Dipping half my body in and I keeped doing it till we started to move again.


Learning Reflections Te Manga

This slide  deck is all about my learning this year.

Friday, 29 November 2019

Rugby World Cup

The First Rugby Ball SJ Pt 1 No.2 2011

WALT increase our vocabulary by understanding interesting and tricky words in the text.

Write 3 sentences to explain what  the text about? the first rugby ball was made of pigs bladders stored in their organ. A bladder is  a bag  like a body part that stores pee.  Richard Lindon 1880 with leather 

Explain what 3 of the interesting or tricky words mean?

Post a link to this video.

Post your reading video.

Film Festival Te ahu. 7.11.19

Today we went to the maniakalani  film festival   when we got there I saw a RED CARPET!!!! Then I thought of lots  like wearing gold chains and gold bracelets and I thought we were famous then we went inside I saw pitchers . But the cool thing is was we went with  other  schools we saw 2 movies from kids and they were AWESOME!!! . My favourite movie was new kid  we came 2 .


                                                 all the movies

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Te Whare Tui Camp 2019

Check out my cool camp experience through watching my slide deck.

My highlights was the obstacle course and the water slide I loved the way you nearly made it to every activity . and Edwards we had cake ice cream  and another cake and after that My my time at camp was slippy hockey and the obstacle course. The coolest part was the free time on the tarpaulin with the dishwasher liquid .

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Draft - Duffy Theatre

 Duffy was exited because  he was going to his favourite cousins house for  the holiday when he got there he went to go see his cousin but Sam was to addicted to magic bricks then Duffy got bored  then he put his nanas glasses on and did the same dances she did for  them and he got devoured in to the game    


then he had three hot dogs with three books   he saw the dismantila after   he  built his perfect spiral staircase she broke it and then after that he saw letters then called up some kids then he placed them into Oder to spell  a word then he saw it spelled inventor  then when he left the puzzler which moved the kids in to the wrong Oder  when he came back he had to redo the word .

he said it was all right 

Monday, 16 September 2019

The Hare and the Tortoise second draft.

Today there was a New zealand play house  group that came to our school to  show us a show about the hare and the tortoise . It was so!!!  entertaining and it took for ages and I'm wondering  how long it would take  them to train with all . Of them changing into all the  costumes in that amount of time  and I will hope they come  back to. The  story we loved having them  in our school at first  I thought  it would very short show but . turned out that I was wrong  then it got longer and longer and the G . Man was losing but then she told  the tortoise to race  the winner known as the hear the  what I saw looked like the hare was acting so . Cool in till he  fall asleep and the   hare walked past and when we were yelling slow and steady wins the race  the hare woke up and thought the shall was a huge weird rock and it fall from the sky and. That was the noise was the noise that woke him up and he went back to sleep then the tortoise started to  run again and we started to make some noise again and he woke up and the tortoise was a rock again then he thought it rolled away then he woke up and . It was gone and he ran away well he tried to the piper came out from the back and he made him stay right where he was then he . Got lured to a cave and got taped the tortoise notisit the hea was yelling for help and he went to help him then he did it came back  notisit G man was gone . Went back saved him came back and won the race in 1st place. 

Monday, 9 September 2019

First Draft -The Great Reading Adventure

I have writing about my class assembly .I am on to my editing stage so you might . see some mistakes . Im still working on it and will post my  published   writing next week 

Teina The Great Reading Assembly

Last  Friday we had our assembly with approximately 200 people watching. when I saw the classes walking in I knew it was going to  be a most embarrassing time of my LIFE! Then .when duffy and scruffy was talking to the ordnance cat in the hat was getting ready and my group was to. When the cat in the hat group was up  cat in the hat was walking round in loops .suddenly he stopped and started to talk about thing 1 and. thing 2. they left and went back to their seat next my groups music came on we went out to the front 
And started our act my group was mouri myths. and  legends everyone in my groups name was Riley Jai Lerrel Attama Kiran Tyson Rican. and me I was Maui  and The story was about maui slowing the sun down and at the end we left and went to our seats and watched the rest and the next group 
Was   superheros  next when they got up they were just telling jokes to the person beside them and then the next group was nonfiction group then  they were telling facts about space lions and the moon. And the very last one was the harry potter group they had cool as wounds Hemis wound was a stick which  made him look a tune better and cooler and this time they were telling facts about harry potter then they got back to their seats then Duffy and Scruffy got back up  and Duffy asked sir to hand out the cutifatics and then the assembly ended everyone went on the bus and went back home. But I got picked up by my mum and I started to talk about how nerve-racking it was and she said she saw how nervous I was then when we got back to the bakery that was when the fun ended.

I think this is the start of level 3 because I added lots of elaboration and detail . 

Friday, 6 September 2019

Thursday, 5 September 2019


Friday, 23 August 2019

WALT explain what happens when water evaporates.

WALT explain what happens when water evaporates.

What was our hypothesis?
We think puddles will evaporate faster in the sun then in the shade. 

Describe what we did?

We made puddles to see whose will evaporate first and the boys one was in the shade and the girls one was in the sun. The boys one started to evaporate but the girls one evaporated first.

rounding and compensating

Teina water cycle poster

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Film Making with Harley

Movie jobs
  • cameraman.
  • director 
  • clipper clappers 
  • boom pole 
  • Actors 
Things each people have to say
  • Actor/turn over / action /cut
  • cameraman/ camera speed
  • bom pole /sound speed 
  • clipper clapper/shot_,take_
different types  of shots that are filmed 
  • establishing shot 
  • wide shot 
  • medium shot
  • close up shot
  • extreme close up shot 

equipment that a film crew needs

  • boom pole - sound pole
  • Camera - Ipad - use the grid lines
  • tripod
  • clipper clapper
  • clip board
  • megaphone (huge film set)
  • script

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The water cycle A-Z

WALT find key words related to the water cycle.

Teina Label the Water Cycle

WALT label the different   parts of the water cycle.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Place value Addition Strategy

WALT solve 3 digit addition equation using the place value strategy.

Take a look at my math strategy slide deckI have made a screencastafy video to explain hot to use the place value strategy. please  watch my video.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

News of the North

    We had to write a short paragraph about something we did in the holidays and something we DIDN’T do in the school holidays.

      Tuesday, 6 August 2019

      Ka Pai Kai with Whaea Anna

      WALT cook healthy with Anna. She is teaching us all about healthy eating.

      Our recipe needs flour 3 eggs milk vanilla ice cream and fruit mixture. the equipment we will use pans spoons measurement spoon.  

       I am looking forward to cooking my pancakes with my group Cleo Lucy  Alani and Millan.

      Friday, 2 August 2019

      Wonderful WATER Facts

      Welcome to our wonderful water facts

      Me and Koda made a video about the water facts that we had to choose off the sheet.

      These are two of the facts that I chose - 

      • A rat is the animal that can last the longest without water 
      • Earths freshwater supply is limited and threatened by pollution.

      Koda and Teina to post video

      Friday, 26 July 2019

      The Lion King Movie Trip - First Draft


      When we got to school we got on the bus and went to Te ahu to watch the lion king  and I heard kids crunching on their popcorn.    

      Thursday, 18 July 2019

      Wonderful Sentences.

      I have been learning how to copy and paste from our class writing flip charts to share our learning. I know how to insert bullet points and use the highlighting tool.

      We know that wonderful sentences need:
      • detail (elaboration)
      • Capital letters and full stops
      • Punctuation (, ! ? “ “)
      • Quality vocab - WOW words

      WALT recognise different parts of speech.
      • Nouns are naming words. eg. chair, book, July, Awhi
      • Adjectives describe nouns. Eg. wooden chair, writing book, freezing July, lovely Awhi
      • Verbs are doing words. Eg run, walk, jump, skip, chew
      • Adverbs describe verbs. eg. briskly running, slowly walking, jumping high, skipping happily and chewing noisily.

      1. The bird is angry. 
      2. The bluey-blackish bird is very angry.
      3. The mean, bluey-blackish bird is angrily staring at its terrified, furry prey.

      1.The cat is sad.  
      2. The black cat is awfully sad. 
      3. The midnight cat is shedding a tear as it waits for the witch to return.

      Tuesday, 25 June 2019

      Tuna Kuwharuwharu Longfin Eel

      This term we have been learning all about  the longfin eel.

      Our assembly item was based on the story of Velvet and Elvis. This  was a story about the migration journey that the longfin eel takes. Click here to view our assembly post 

      I have created 3 different digital learning objects to share my learning on this topic.

      The first is a poster that created in my topic book about the challenges that the longfin eel faces. 

      I created an eel life cycle on google drawing.

      I also made a google poster to share five interesting facts about the long fin eels.

      Monday, 24 June 2019

      My Wonderful Reading Video - FOXES

      I  was feeling nervous when I took my video. in the library I also felt existed to get this finished.with whaea sharls.   

      Friday, 21 June 2019

      Blast Fast to the Past

      I am learning to use the BANISH BORING WORDS resource to help me to use  more interesting words in my writing.

        Check out the QUALITY words I chose for FAST SLOW AND BIG

      Thursday, 13 June 2019

      Waitangi trip

      On Tuesday we got to school early and we got on the bus and went to Waitangi so we can learn new things on technology. When we got there we got in a line and Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monika welcomed us.  then we walked in and I saw interesting things like photos of Antartica and the shiny technology laid out when Caytlin came in she showed us some special rocks. That was very mysterious because they came from different places around the Pacific and were 500 to 700 years old and I felt pumped and nervous, excited. 

      Then we went on scratch got our avatar and I made my eel on scratch too then at the end of the day we had a look at the eels and one had its head sticking out. One looked like it had a hard surface and didn't look happy. Then we went to the bus and some students got off at Kaitaia school and some students went back to school. 

      Monday, 20 May 2019

      Wednesday, 15 May 2019

      Friday, 10 May 2019

      In the Holidays

      On the day before the weekend we went marlin fishing for a competition on our boat called smoken joe  and I court 20 snappers and my dad court 5 melon and he only wanted to go because he wanted the money when we got there we saw a shark in the water and Layton and Dallas came only because dad made them and they wanted  a swim and Layton saw a beautiful bird that looked like a hawk  but with spots all over it I liked the look of it cause of the dots.

      Thursday, 11 April 2019

      Gala Day Writing

      When it was the day of our Paparore school gala I was so pumped!! I springed out of bed. I Evin got dressed in to my t-shirt and shorts and woke Layton up. Put your shoes on I said!!!. I ran to mum and dads room and said to dad wake up, we are going to the school gala. So he got dressed in such a hurry and had breakfast. We went to the truck and rushed to school. I said hurry up go faster, we are going to be out of time.  When we got there I went rock climbing. Yay!! I hit the button!  I was so horrified the harness will break and I will fall really fast and  get injured. When I got down I went to play on the playground and started to do slam dunks on the bars, all the little kids went around the big kids.

      Wednesday, 10 April 2019

      Gala Day Art

      Experiencing marine reserve's 10.04.19

      A marine reserve is a place that fish can grow up in and explore and we need a marine reserve. if we do not have a marine reserve there will not be a place for fish to grow up in and if there were not a protected area all the fish will be gone there will be no fish to look at and desc aver different species.

      Week 5 Tiakina a Tangaroa - SJ L2 by Jill MacGregor

      Spongy Skeletons 28.03.19