This term we have been learning all about the longfin eel.
Our assembly item was based on the story of Velvet and Elvis. This was a story about the migration journey that the longfin eel takes. Click here to view our assembly post
I have created 3 different digital learning objects to share my learning on this topic.
The first is a poster that created in my topic book about the challenges that the longfin eel faces.
I created an eel life cycle on google drawing.
I also made a google poster to share five interesting facts about the long fin eels.
I was feeling nervous when I took my video. in the library I also felt existed to get this finished.with whaea sharls.
I am learning to use the BANISH BORING WORDS resource to help me to use more interesting words in my writing.
Check out the QUALITY words I chose for FAST SLOW AND BIG

On Tuesday we got to school early and we got on the bus and went to Waitangi so we can learn new things on technology. When we got there we got in a line and Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monika welcomed us. then we walked in and I saw interesting things like photos of Antartica and the shiny technology laid out when Caytlin came in she showed us some special rocks. That was very mysterious because they came from different places around the Pacific and were 500 to 700 years old and I felt pumped and nervous, excited.
Then we went on scratch got our avatar and I made my eel on scratch too then at the end of the day we had a look at the eels and one had its head sticking out. One looked like it had a hard surface and didn't look happy. Then we went to the bus and some students got off at Kaitaia school and some students went back to school.